White Chocolate & Pistachio Cookies
Chocolate Cookie Baking Kit
Pistachio and cardamom cookies home baking
Valrhona Chocolate and Pistachio Cookie baking kit

Blond Choc, Pistachio & Cardamom Cookies Baking Kit

Regular price £18.00

Get your hands on this gourmet cookie baking kit to discover Valrhona Orelys blond chocolate - a caramelised white chocolate with muscovado undertones - paired with pistachios and a hint of freshly ground cardamom.

Our baking kit also includes Callebaut white chocolate, but made with more cocoa butter, so that it remains chunky in your cookie!

This kit makes 12- 15 cookies.

Difficulty Level: Easy

W H A T ' S   I N   T H E   B O X ?

Allergens in bold, full information here).


  • Shipton Mill Organic Pastry Flour (gluten)**
  • Buckwheat Flour
  • Valrhona Blond Chocolate
  • Callebaut White Chocolate
  • Chopped Pistachio
  • Tate & Lyle Caster and Light Brown Sugars
  • Bicarbonate of Soda
  • Freshly ground Cardamom
  • Vanilla Extract & Salt
  • ** Gluten-free kits contain our GF blend of Ground Almonds, Buckwheat Flour, Rice Flour, Cornflour and Chestnut Flour


  • 82% Fat Unsalted French Butter
  • Cacklebean Free-Range Egg


  • Baking Parchment 

    D O   I   N E E D   A N Y T H I N G   E L S E ?

    For STANDARD cookie baking kits, you will need to add one egg and 130g unsalted butter.

    You will also need a mixing bowl, wooden spoon or spatula, balloon whisk (optional), baking tray and oven.

    You can use a stand/electric mixer if you wish too, but it is not necessary. 

    H O W   L O N G   W I L L   I T   T A K E ?

    Preparation 20 mins + Baking 10 mins = Total: 30 mins

    (Baking time is 13 mins for gluten-free version)

    T U T O R I A L

    Bake-a-long with our Blond Chocolate, Pistachio and Cardamom Cookies baking tutorial here.

    S T O R A G E

    THE BAKING BOX - Store dry ingredients in a cool, dry place. Use within 8 weeks. Store chilled ingredients in the fridge and use within one week. 

    THE COOKIES - Store in an sealed container or foil in a cool, dry place. Eat within one week. 

    FREEZING - The cookie dough balls can also be frozen for up to two weeks. Bake the dough balls from frozen at 180°C, for 12 minutes (or 15-18 mins for GF versions).